I’m raising money in support of Bladder Cancer Canada by participating in Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer.
I was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer in the fall of 2013. This November I will be celebrating 11 years bladder cancer free. I have been able to make it to this momentous milestone through an amazing support network of family, friends and medical practitioners. I am also grateful to the ongoing support of Bladder Cancer Canada.
Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer is a national walk, with participants from across Canada uniting to increase awareness and raise funds to support Bladder Cancer Canada.
Bladder cancer is one of the most expensive cancers to treat, with a high recurrence rate it receives very little research funding. This year, another 12,500 Canadians will be diagnosed, adding to the 80,000+ survivors.
Please donate today and support my fundraising efforts. Consider joining Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer. Together we can make bladder cancer just a memory!
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4936 Yonge Street, Suite 1000, Toronto, ON M2N 6S3
© Bladder Cancer Canada All rights reserved.
Charitable Registration Number: 836126060 RR0001
Thank you for your interest in supporting Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer! Online registration has now closed, but don’t worry—you can still join us by registering in person at your local walk location on Saturday, September 21st or Sunday, September 22nd. We’re excited to see you there and appreciate your commitment to this important cause. Let’s make a difference together!