Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer 2024

I fight for Funson!
I fight for Funson!

Team Funpa Faucher

In 2022, I received the news from my family doctor that after a couple of tests, he had detected cancer cells in my urine. Although my doctor thought he had detected it early,  little did I know that my fight to beat bladder cancer would become such an uphill battle. 

After several rounds of chemo, major bladder surgery (2022) and 1 year of immunotherapy (2023), in 2024, my cancer has come back and I continue to fight the battle to beat the odds. 

I have been fortunate enough to have had such a great team of medical professionals since day one. Had it not been for their persistance and dedication, I may not be here today. 

Our team is raising money in support of Bladder Cancer Canada by participating in Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer.
For the past 14 years, participants from across Canada have helped Bladder Cancer Canada support patients and raise awareness.

Bladder cancer is the most expensive cancer to treat, with a high recurrence rate and yet it receives very little research funding. This year, another 13,300 Canadians will be diagnosed - adding to the 80,000+ survivors. 

Please make a donation today! You can help us achieve our goal and together we can make bladder cancer just a memory.
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