Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer 2024
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Location Map: Click Here (loads in new tab)

Location Address:

Ganatchio Trail
McHugh St and Florence Ave

Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024

Start Time: 9:30AM

End Time: 12:00PM

Walk Lead(s): Theresa B and Amanda Q.

Location Details:

Join us for a transformative 3 to 5-kilometer walk along Windsor's beautiful Ganatchio Trail, where the lush, tree-lined route quickly immerses you in serene natural beauty. As you stroll through the vibrant gardens and lively wildlife of Reaume Park, you'll be inspired by the stunning scenery that sets the stage for our crucial mission.

This walk is about more than raising awareness and funds for those affected by bladder cancer; it’s a celebration of resilience, hope, and the strength of our community. With every step, you'll feel the energy of volunteers and fellow walkers, united in purpose and support. Together, we create a powerful blend of reflection, joy, and collective strength.








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Team Captain:
Mrs. Salva Colomba
2 members
Top Fundraisers
Participant Name Event Name Amount
$500 Milestone Badge Theresa Blondin Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer 2024


$100 Milestone Badge Salva Colomba Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer 2024


$100 Milestone Badge Rosario Colomba Canada Walks for Bladder Cancer 2024
